
Monday, March 14, 2005

Free Writing 

Well, it's been a month since my last posting, which I'd like to say is down to the hectic nature of my life, but that would only be a half-truth. To be honest, it has been a busy time: work has been an arduous mix of performance testing, long-winded documentation, and frustrations at every turn; in addition home life has been taxing, with decorating and just trying to keep positive proving taxing in equal measures.

On a more positive note, the creative writing meeting went very well and tonight is the second session. I, of course, am leaving it to the last minute to produce something to read out, but I've always been a procrastinator. Our lecturer favours the "free writing" method, which basically means spewing forth whatever comes into your mind onto the page, without pause or revision. The main advantages are that it's the very anithesis of writer's block - it doesn't matter if you can't find the word, you just keep plugging away - and at times you can find it very liberating, in that your brain can disengage from your usual themes and surprise you. It would be pretentious to say it connects your id to the page, but the speed of writing means that you can produce great volume and usually get a couple of decent concepts or sentences very quickly. I would equate the brain state to an extended period playing Robotron or that great mini-game in Project Gotham Racing 2, where it's more instinct than logic.

Of course, the stuff I've produced thus far is pretty rubbish and nothing I'd want to read out in front of a crowd (and, funnily enough, the other students are in no way similar to my previous predictions). It's going to take some time today to gather my notes and hopefully produce something I'm happier with. There are rumours that we'll be gathering together all the pieces and publishing them on the university web site, so I'll link that in if and when the time comes.

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