
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Creative Writing 

A couple of days ago I got confirmation through that I'm on the creative writing course I applied for a few weeks back. This may seem like a bit of a strange choice, seeing as I'm a programmer by occupation, but English is something I've always enjoyed immensely. I studied English Literature for my degree, along with American Studies, but only afterwards did I realise that pursuing my computing hobby would likely be a more successful career path. The fact that I had a disastrous work experience stint at my local paper as a journalist made the decision easier ;)

I have absolutely no idea what to expect from the course. In my mind's eye I can see a room full of either unsuccessful guys writing war stories or old ladies in their blue rinses and twin-sets who get a kick out of bodice-rippers. I am likely to be wrong on both counts, but it's just indicative of the trepidation I'm feeling. I haven't been in a formal academic setting since I completed my HND Computer Studies in 1998 and I also haven't had a hobby for years that has actually involved meeting people.

Of course, this has only made me realise how poor some aspects of my writing are. This blog is my only real outlet - I haven't actually done any creative writing in years. I've got a few books on grammar and writing style that I should read through again, and I've also just got Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero-Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, to tackle my heinous comma and semi-colon usage!

The attraction of the course over some other possibilities at the University is that it will require me to actually produce work and be self-confident enough to expose it to an audience. Also, it's going to get me out of the house once a week and pretty much force me to meet new people, which I really need practice in. Maybe it will improve my technical writing too, which would be useful in my job, but that's a non-essential bonus if it does happen.

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